Friday, 31 August 2018

                                                 Hi, I know its been a while on the blog, but i'm working on it...!😎

Yummy mummy tips

1. Talk to your baby and talk to yourself
2. Wake up early and shower
3. Buy the fragrances you love and lavish on yourself
4. Take regular deep breaths for "mad days" (Mad days are days your upset for "nothing')
5. Stay focused in your workplace/business
6. If you work 4 hours a day make sure you don't work any less, if you cannot take time off, else manage your time 'no excuses'
7. Dress like you are dating for the first time
8. Change your hair every week if you can, every 2 weeks otherwise and keep it clean.
9. Invest in wigs if you can afford but make sure your hair is clean and neatly weaved
10. Please have fun carrying your little one because in no time, its all over!

You can do it mums!

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Life... It runs like a wild fire

I don't believe it, looking back, from a wedding the other day to being a mother... Its a joyous feeling and one that makes me think i have got a different life now, one that says i am no longer my own, in marriage or alone as a spinster, but I've added another bundle of joy who loves me, trusts me and depends on me (well for now that

His name means "full of goodness", he is always happy and mischievous (i know who he got that from... lool) but he has other names as well particularly one name after my mother who died just before he was born.

Tribute to Mrs Maduagwu 1954-2015: 

Its a tradition in Africa to name a child after some one or something and sometimes its called "reincarnation". Andrew Rooke in his article in 1980 said that "In many religions and philosophies, this connecting stream has been expressed in terms of a constant ebb and flow of manifestation — "birth" in one world being "death" in the other — with the consciousness principle continuing eternally".  I was named after my grand mother on my mums side who i never met, and according to my relatives i behave in some ways similar to her and what she did, but my dad says the same about his late older sister...hahaha.

But really i named my son after my mother in memory, as she was the best mother. She was tough yet supportive. And would always be missed.
Its such a thing called life that we pass through and forget about people in front of us, beside us, behind us, we are so "engaged" we don't see them. We assume they'll always be there and in no time, the candle goes out. Astrid Alauda said "Time is the only thief you cannot get justices against", and as soon as you hit the "age of sensibility" we must try to do our best, be the best and help the rest.

You see this because you can read this, but how many others are able to? We must remember those who are less fortunate, we must give a little more and expect nothing in return, because life is what it is- soon runs its course. So lets have a little more courage, go skydiving if you've never done it and you can afford it, and you're  above 18!
Enjoy your marriage relationships or other to the fullest because they wont always be there!
Give what you can, to people who need it and don't stop!
Teach your children all you can as soon as you can and let them choose who they become!
With life comes unpleasantries, try to forget them, be happy and be strong

It is Stephanee Killen who said that “Life is the best teacher, just as it is. It is the toughest teacher. It won’t tolerate slothfulness for long. It’s always throwing some difficult problem your way and then seeing what you will do with it.” 

So go with the flow, for you don't want to wake up and you're 90, without a life.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


Hello guys! It's been ages right? Yeah ☺. For the few months I took a break from blogging and RTS, so much happened in my life.

Okay it's not like I won the Centenary lottery or any jackpot, but like most of my friends on social media know, I got married! (Shouts)... Yeah!  You didn't know? Oh, sorry about that, but are you sure you've been on earth? ☺ Because it was on Popular blogs and it trended on twitter and facebook and other forums (Yeah, me bragging, haha)

So, I got married to the love of my life, Daniel Chibuzor Nnwoka. Most of you know him as Daniel D' Humorous. it was all I ever dreamt of, with a gazillion butterflies in my tummy... heheh


So in April, 219 girls were abducted and they still remain unaccounted for. Now, boys/men, 97 unaccounted for, until Chad intervened. Above is a picture of me on CNN's iReport back when I was doing my little part to bring global attention to the chibok girls abduction. I think it was around the same time the #BringBackOurGirls campaign started.