Friday, 31 August 2018

                                                 Hi, I know its been a while on the blog, but i'm working on it...!😎

Yummy mummy tips

1. Talk to your baby and talk to yourself
2. Wake up early and shower
3. Buy the fragrances you love and lavish on yourself
4. Take regular deep breaths for "mad days" (Mad days are days your upset for "nothing')
5. Stay focused in your workplace/business
6. If you work 4 hours a day make sure you don't work any less, if you cannot take time off, else manage your time 'no excuses'
7. Dress like you are dating for the first time
8. Change your hair every week if you can, every 2 weeks otherwise and keep it clean.
9. Invest in wigs if you can afford but make sure your hair is clean and neatly weaved
10. Please have fun carrying your little one because in no time, its all over!

You can do it mums!