Thursday, 20 February 2014


(Image Credit: Kenyabenyagirl)

English, Yoruba, a little french, a little Hausa, and I'm learning German. Yup, I know what you're thinking, I'm a talented polyglot, yes, you got it right (haha) but then who cares about language these days? 21st February is International Mother Language Day and the aim of this United Nations Observance is to promote the learning and documentation of endangered languages, so as to preserve culture and history for posterity.

How much of that do we do that these days in Nigeria? We have dumped our ethnic names for more 'tushed' western names like billy, jack, and Jill. Communication in our homes is now in English and the younger generation views our ethnic languages as gibberish--i wonder what they will teach their own kids when we have refused to pass something down to them.

Imagine a Nigeria where no one can speak Igbo, Yoruba, or Hausa. Imagine the loss of that beautiful diversity? It will be really tragic. And we pray it never gets to that, but with the way things are going, that imagination might not be far fetched. Biko, let's do something.

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